IESR's role in Indonesia-Australia renewable energy cooperation 2018-2023


  • Bella Dwi Pratiwi Department of International Relations, Muhammadiyah University of Malang, Malang 65144, Indonesia
  • Gondo Yumitro Department of International Relations, Muhammadiyah University of Malang, Malang 65144, Indonesia



This research is motivated by the role of the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR), a think tank in the energy and environmental sectors. IESR has a significant role in encouraging Indonesia-Australia renewable energy cooperation between the period 2018 to 2023, IESR has participated to support an increase in the application of renewable energy in Indonesia. The benefits of this research as a simple form of formulating how cooperation between Indonesia and Australia through the role of IESR to strengthen bilateral relations in the renewable energy sector. Meanwhile, this research also shares information related to several cooperation programs applied by IESR in cooperation between Indonesia and Australia through the renewable energy sector. The author uses journal search websites such as Google Scholar to search for literature related to IESR's role in renewable energy cooperation. The author also uses the Harzing; Published or Published application to detect the findings of relevant scientific publications and can measure related impacts through this understanding, this research can contribute to the development of an effective IESR role in the future. The author identifies several aspects related to IESR's role in renewable energy cooperation. First, IESR's role in facilitating the implementation of cooperation programs and information exchange in the renewable energy sector between Indonesia and Australia. And secondly, the role of IESR's cooperation evaluation is to encourage urgency in the renewable and sustainable energy sector..


IESR, Indonesia-Australia, Renewable Energy, Think Tank


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How to Cite

Pratiwi, B. D., & Yumitro, G. (2025). IESR’s role in Indonesia-Australia renewable energy cooperation 2018-2023. Journal of Emerging Science and Engineering, 3(1), e32.


